The Cape gets canceled? Why my celebrity chef crush, Anne Burrell, is awesome. Plus...fat cancer? Check it out after the jump...
The Food Diva herself. What's not to love? |
Chef Anne Burrell is my new favorite celebrity chef.
I love that she enjoys the meals she makes. (Like Paula Deen and Gina Neely, Chef Burrell has a love affair with the dishes -- and I adore that.) I started watching Chef Burrell's show Secrets of a Restaurant Chef and I like how relaxed she seems in the kitchen. Plus, the lady can multi-task!
Also awesome? She demonstrated how to hand roll ravioli and fill it with all kinds of gooey goodness.
Rib Eye - Yum! |
Extra Yum. Who doesn't love ravioli?
Great. And now I want ravioli.
Can someone make this happen ASAP? |
Yum. I'm tempted to try this. All I need is a pasta machine...
I got my handygirl on this weekend. Remember my battle with the caulking gun? When brute force failed, I went low-tech. And it worked! After sealing the gaps in my bathtub, I learned two things: A) Caulk stinks. So use in a ventilated area; and B) Match the caulk color with the existing color. I learned this the hard way. Old strip: White. New strip? Not so much. Oops!
"Green" room deodorizers are pains in the butt to make. But super satisfying. My recipe: Baking soda, lemon juice and hot water, baby! Sure, my bathroom looks like a chemistry lab but it smells nice.
R.I.P. The Cape. I barely knew you. I read that NBC reduced your episode order. True, you sucked but you could have been awesome. That hurts. You got hit with Heroes Syndrome, a.k.a. sucking for no good reason. When a show with enormous potential takes a kamikaze dive into Suckville, blame the writers and director.
They either:
A) focuses on special effects while ignoring plot continuity, character development or the laws of science; and/or
B) takes the bipolar approach to story pacing (i.e. either too manic or too slow)
Reunited with an old school friend...only to realize we have nothing in common. Which begs the question: Why were we friends in the first place? Did we really grow this far apart or did we just never really know each other at all?
The guy who leaked the hilarious "What is the Internet?" video got fired. Apparently NBC lost their sense of humor in the Comcast merger. The video features a younger Katie Couric and Bryant Gumble puzzling over how to pronounce the @ symbol. Great stuff, huh? NBC missed a great marketing opportunity. Why not air a special called "What is the Internet?" and feature similar clips relating to cell phones, ipods, etc. If you missed the clip, here it is.
& the W.I.W?
Apparently there are now fat cancers. Really? Even cancer is sizist now? That's messed up.
The woman who mailed a puppy might get it back. Why is this an option? Take a look at the adorable pooch rescued by postal workers:
Who could be mean to a cute face like this? |
Oh - and crazy dog mailing lady? Yeah, she wants a refund.
Christina Aguilera flubbed the lyrics to the National Anthem...and the world freaks out. Why is this news? Jesse McCartney, Keri Hilson, Musiq Soulchild and Kat de Luna did this first. Next time? Skip the live performance. Just play a tape of this song. Problem solved.
When did Zac Efron turn into Jared Leto? Either Jared Leto is aging backwards or someone's mama has some 'splainin to do. (Trivia: How is Zac Efron related to the Firefly series?)
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