• Sold! Sold 2 articles to national writing magazine! Yay. I’ve been on a bit of a writing hiatus, so it’s good to get back in the saddle.
• Just purchased 2 graphic novels, Serenity: Those Left Behind and Serenity: The Shepherd’s Tale.
Great storylines and gorgeous art. For those who don’t know, Shepherd Book is one of my favorite characters from the Firefly verse. Learning his back story (and the events between the series finale of Firefly and the film Serenity) was worth the wait. I finished both books the same day I bought them.
• Stumbled upon the best web-series since Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. It’s called The Guild. Awesomeness Rating: 7 out of 10 so far. I’ve only watched episode one, so I’m excited to follow the series. Also, I & <3 Felicia Day. (Trivia Question for those playing at home: What connects The Guild with Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog?)
• This is the face of happiness. Admit it: Doesn’t watching this make you all gooey inside?
• Has anyone watched The Cape yet? Usually I'll give any Summer Glau show a chance (RIP Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles), but I’ve heard mixed reviews about this one. READERS SOUND-OFF: Is The Cape worth watching? Let me know in the comments.
• Dessert! Tasty cupcakes, delivered courtesy of my mother.
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Yum! |
**DISCLOSURE** All products above link through my Amazon Associates ID. Thanks in advance if you purchase any of the books using my link.
• Local bookstore doesn’t have any more Serenity graphic novels in stock. Seriously Barnes & Noble? This is why we can't have nice things.
• Weekend do-it-yourself plans thwarted by the menace known as a caulking gun. Debated doing my Hulk imitation (“Hulk smash!”) but decided against it. Attempts to improve my skills took me to internet videos (Education, thy name is Youtube…) but nothing worked.
Here's where I'm at now: The caulk tube has a cut tip and is loaded into the caulking gun. I can squeeze the trigger but nothing comes out.
So internet, I turn to you (again) for aid. Help me, Obi-wan. You’re my only hope...
& THE W.I.W?
• The musical, Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, is apparently cursed. In addition to the disasters affecting its cast members, the release date has been postponed – again. (This makes attempt number 5.)
• Death by eyebrows is now possible. Seriously, Switzerland?
• Willow Smith wants to be the new Annie? I’m conflicted. This could go the way of Romeo Must Die (awesome) or SyFy channel’s The Tin Man (hilariously bad).
• Twitter trending topics are ridiculous. Many are suspiciously close to misogynistic. So why are some hilarious? Example: #donttrusther veers into the realm of misogyny, but I had to laugh at someone’s response: #donttrusther if she has a brother that her mom or dad doesn’t know about.
• To the bookstore woman who gave me the stink eye: Thanks for giving me the stink eye. My appearing on the same aisle as you for the second time? Obviously creepy and unbelievable. After all, why would fans of scifi, graphic novels and comic books like the same types of movies?
I promise I was NOT stalking you. (However, if you had the last copy of a sequel to the Scott Pilgrim series, all bets are off.) So that look you gave me when I rounded the corner in the DVD section? Not cool. Tags: #justsayin & #noYOU'REweird
• To the cashier at the discount store: Here’s a tip: When you ask customers if you count as a “random” person, prepare for the answer to be “yes.”
Miss any past updates? Check out past favorites, including Relationship Dealbreakers: When to Break Up vs. Stick or my 30 by 30 Bucket List Challenge. Or subscribe to my feed.
2 Sassy Comebacks:
Don't let the reviews throw you, The Cape is absolutely worth watching. It is a little campy but the show doesn't take itself too seriously and hits the right balance.
The main character is sort of a cross between Batman and The Shadow, In the end he's just a guy trying to clear his name and get back to his family.
Summer Glau is doing an amazing job with her character Orwell, a variation on Oracle, but as it turns out she's a butt kicker in her own right and helps the Cape in the field as well.
James Frain, the main villain Chess, It seems on some levels he's Schizophrenic and is multidimensional enough to have plans within plans.
All in all it's a good "realistic" take on the Super Hero Genre.
I like the whole concept of The Cape. I caught the opening part of last night's episode, "Dice." It looked really interesting...unfortunately, I didn't see the rest. (I did, however, watch all of The Guild, Season I and half of Season 2. It was awesome.)
I'll have to watch the episodes of The Cape that I've missed on Hulu or something. I do like the villain, Chess. I can't remember where I've seen that actor before...
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