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Friday, 31 December 2010

new year's eve = difficult realization

I am officially old.


Not that I ever planned cross-country adventures for New Year's Eve or anything, but int he past, my activities usually involved some form of leaving the house. Tonight? My plans consist of:

  • Putting on my pajamas
  • Drinking some champagne (strawberry-flavored. Yay!)
  • Watching Series 1 of Doctor Who (I've seen the first half and bits of later series already.)
 Now, if the first question that came to your mind was: "What is Doctor Who?" then shame on you. Really. You're missing out on the best (and longest-running) sci-fi series of all time. Plus the hotness of David Tennant and Chris Eccleston (fans will also recognize him as "Claude" from volume one of Heroes.).

So those are pretty much my plans. What about you? Any fun plans for tonight?

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