It hits when I least expect it:
It comes around the corner like a sneeze, catching me by surprise. Don't get me wrong; plenty of things about high school sucked: skin problems. Riding the bus. Pep rallies. But once in awhile, I still get hit with a twinge of nostalgia for the "good old times." So today I'm counting down the 15 things I miss about high school.
15. Field Day
14. Roller skating
13. Allowance
12. French Class
11. Sleepovers
10. Field trips
9. Enjoying roller coasters
8. Breakfast for lunch!
7. Lock Ins
6. Friendship surveys
5. Seasonal Breaks
4. Otis Spunkenmeyer muffins day!!
3. Being able to stay up past 10pm on a weeknight without getting tired
2. The ability to process sugar. :-(
1. Not knowing the answer to this question: "Who the heck is FICA?"
What about you? What do you miss about high school?
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