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Wednesday 2 February 2011

Would you…Date someone who disapproved of your passion?

pas·sion \ˈpa-shən\
n. "A strong liking for or devotion to some activity, object or concept." (Source: Merriam-Webster online)

My last boyfriend hated reading.

Of course, Mr. Ex read some things: the Sports section of the paper, cheat codes for the latest X-Box game, etc.  Not often, though, and never for pleasure. Me? I read everything: graphic novels, comic books, poetry, plays and fiction. All the time and always for pleasure.

The librarians know me by name. We discuss our favorite series and characters. Sometimes they even let me exceed the book check out limit.

Reading is a total body experience: the smell of aging ink; the whisper of pages slipping through my fingers; the weight of a book in my hand; the ability to get immersed in a different world.

Mr. Ex didn't understand. Like a chess game, he countered my defiant "I'm pleasure reading" with a puzzled Why?

When it came to my passion for reading, he just didn't get it.  

So imagine my surprise when, out of the blue, he delivered a copy of Shakespeare's sonnets (along with a ribbon-wrapped bottle of vanilla body lotion) to my porch one evening.

The gesture taught me something important: Although Mr. Ex didn't share my passion, he respected it.

Fast forward to present day:

In Season 2 of The Guild, avid RPG gamer Codex (played by Felicia Day) meets a new neighbor and seemingly perfect guy. He's gorgeous, has a steady job and seems totally into her. The only problem? He thinks gaming is for losers. More specifically, for "doughy losers" he'd like to punch. Sounds like a prince, huh?

Codex, of course, says she'd rather date a Bog monster and tells him to get lost. Except…She doesn't.

Instead, a flustered Codex downplays her love of gaming to keep Gorgeous Caveman's interest. This is still early in the season so maybe (read: I hope) she dumps him and gives Zaboo (the gamer in love with her) a chance.

Time to weigh in readers:

Would you date someone who disapproved of your passion? What would make you give him/her the boot?

2 Sassy Comebacks:

Leah said...

Well, I'm married to someone who hates to read and I devour books like I need them to survive.

And he's just as exasperated with me I'm sure since he's a super sports fan and I'm...NOT.

We work around it pretty well :)

Lauren said...

I think the key is having someone who respects your passion. Good-natured ribbing is okay, but outright mocking or disgust? No, no.

Yeah, I try to like sports but I just...can't. Well, I like the Olympics and I like skating but I'm not a die hard fan about any sport.

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