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Friday 18 February 2011

Happy Friday - Dragon Age Redemption style

Happy Friday! Here's what gave me a happy this week:

I walked 3 miles.

At a very brisk pace. Just in case you didn't think the distance was awesome enough on its own. One of my 30 before 30 goals is to run a 5k. I've been sick lately, so I slacked off a bit in the fitness department. Now I'm back on track. And field. Okay, mostly carpet.

I'm going ice skating!
I haven't gone since high school, so I'm eager to see how much I remember. I'm going with the family, which always = hilarity. Wonder if the place rents protective pads? I can see some falls in my future. 

Dragon Age: Redemption comes out this summer!

Gamers everywhere melted into a puddle of goo when Felica Day (The Guild, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog) announced this on Twitter. The new web series debuts this summer. Day describes the original game as a Lord of the Rings-style single role playing game. When the makers of Dragon Age approached her to create an original web series based in the DA universe she agreed. Check out the trailer below:

Firefly returns to the air!

At least in syndication form. I know. Bittersweet memories. But I'm hoping this means some network realizes the potential (and desire) to revive this space cowboy series. (This concept was cool way before Cowboys & Aliens.) I read the Serenity graphic novels, which continue the storyline where the series and movie end. A new TV series could pick up there. I'm just saying.

The 90's rock!

The 90's rock if only for the hi-top fades.

And I found a website to prove it! Someone told me about this on Twitter. Children of the 80's or 90's will adore this site. (Remember the X-Men cartoons? Duck Tales? Pinky & the Brain? Good times.) For those unfamiliar with the awesomeness of the 90's era, behold: The "Jump On It" dance from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. 

You're welcome.

I discovered two fantastic new web series...

...which I will reveal Monday. **cackles** 'Cuz I'm a stinker. Tune in Monday for my picks of the 5 Must-Watch Web Series.


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